Housing Quality

Community Conditions and Safety

The Problem

Housing quality issues like mold and lead lead to poor health outcomes for the people living in the home, especially in children. Several programs in Mahoning County work to address these issues, targeting lead removal, asthma triggers, rental property quality, and zoning.

Community Housing Impact & Preservation

What it is

  • Provides funding to improve and provide affordable housing for low- and moderate-income citizens

  • Funds a variety of house-related activities

  • Residents can submit an application annually

What it does


In 2023, the Community Housing Impact Preservation Program carried out five full rehab projects and ten home repair projects.

Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Control

What it is

  • Lead was used in house paint and other building materials until the 1970s. Peeling paint can expose children to lead.

  • Exposure to lead can damage the brain and slow growth and development, especially in children.

  • The Lead Hazard Control Program tests homes for lead and assists with remediation.

  • Preference is given to homes where pregnant people or children live.

What it does

  • Helps residents manage lead in their home, including repairing peeling paint.

  • Decreases the likelihood of lead poisoning in young children.

  • To find out more, visit their webpage.


The Lead Hazard Control Program tests homes for lead hazards and assists with remediation as funding allows.

In Mahoning County, 3.7% of children have elevated lead blood levels.

YNDC Emergency Home Repairs

What it is

  • The Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation offers assistance for emergency home repairs, including furnace and plumbing repairs.

  • Repairs are done at no cost to owners.

  • This program is only for owner-occupied, single family homes.

What it does

  • Improves housing quality.

  • Helps prevent other housing issues, like mold or freezing pipes in the winter.

  • To learn more visit the YNDC home repair program webpage.


As of Q3 2023, YNDC is on track to meet their goal of 135 emergency home repairs per year. They have also completed 140 owner-occupied limited repairs in the first three quarters of 2023, some of which were roof repairs.

GOAL: Complete 100 roof replacements each year.

GOAL: Complete 135 emergency home repairs each year.

Managing Asthma Triggers at Home

What it is

  • Dust and mold can trigger asthma, especially in children.

  • Poorly controlled asthma can lead to hospitalization and school absences.

  • Managing Asthma Triggers at Home (MATH) is a program led by Akron Children’s Hospital and Mahoning County Public Health.

  • The program works with families of high-risk asthma patients to help identify and eliminate asthma triggers in the home.

What it does

  • Reduces health impacts of asthma, especially in children.

  • Reduces the likelihood of hospitalization, emergency department visits, and missed days from school.

  • Improves quality of life for patients and families.


From Quarter 1 to Quarter 4 of 2023, the number of referrals to the program and the number of home visits scheduled have increased.

GOAL: In Year 1, establish pilot program and seek funding for the program’s continuation.

Home Ownership Assistance

What it is

  • Owning a house can generate wealth that can be passed down in families.

  • People of color own fewer homes than white people in similar income brackets. For more information, see this report.

What it does

  • Assisting people of color and low-income residents in purchasing a home could help bridge the financial equity gap.


We are currently gathering baseline information on a similar program in Trumbull County to see if it would be feasible to implement this program in Mahoning County.

Rental Property Registration & Grading

What it is

  • Rental registries ensure rental properties meet safety standards.

  • Registries collect information on maintenance and code violations.

What it does


Youngstown and Boardman maintain rental registration programs. Youngstown, Campbell and Struthers periodically assign grades to rental properties during housing surveys conducted by YNDC and YSU Center for Applied GIS.

Zoning and Variances

What it is

  • Zoning classifies different areas into zones for one or more uses (residential, industrial, commercial, and others). Zoning variances allow a land to vary from the regulations that apply to the surrounding zone. 

  • Spot zoning occurs when a change in zoning allows a use on a parcel or parcels that is incompatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. For example, building a library or park in a residential area may benefit residents, but building a factory in the same area could negatively impact the neighborhood. 

What it does

  • The CHA/CHIP data team's housing expert reviews variance requests and approvals in Mahoning County to identify potential spot zoning locations. 

  • Tracking spot zoning allows us to identify gaps in existing regulations or enforcement and support all residents in their right to live in safe and affordable neighborhoods.


Four potential spot zoning locations have been identified. The number of variance requests in Quarter 3 was lower than in Quarters 1 and 2.

The Plan