CHIP Data Dashboards
Every three years, Mahoning County is required to carry out a Community Health Assessment (CHA) and use it to form a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Based on the CHA, three public health priorities were chosen: mental health and substance use, access to care, and community conditions and safety. The CHIP describes evidence-based strategies that we will use to address each priority.
CHIP Priorities
Each priority was chosen based on CHA survey responses and other data. For each strategy, we will collect and display quarterly data to show CHIP implementation progress. Click on a priority below to learn more about it, see the strategies implemented, and view the data.
Mental Health and Substance Use
Mahoning County residents experience a range of mental health and substance use challenges. Overdose death rates are higher in Mahoning County than peer counties in Ohio. To address this crisis, Mahoning County health partners are focusing on prevention, crisis intervention, workplace wellness, and workforce pipelines.
Access to Care
Fewer residents in Mahoning County access routine preventative screenings than residents in peer counties. To improve access to care, Mahoning County health partners are focusing on connecting patients to services, implementing new programs in underserved areas, developing data tools, and monitoring legislative efforts.
Community Conditions and Safety
The environment in which people live, including the quality of their homes and the services present in their neighborhoods, affects their physical and mental health. Mahoning County health partners are focusing on housing quality, active transportation, parks and greenspaces, and healthy food to improve the environments in which residents live.