Healthy Food

Community Conditions and Safety

The Problem

Many barriers exist for residents seeking health food, including access, cost, and knowledge. To address this, Mahoning County is partnering with organizations to improve healthy food access, address barriers to healthy food, and teach residents how to prepare healthy meals.

Neighborhood-Focused Food Access

What it is

What it does

  • Makes it easier for people to access fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.


Healthy Community Partnership’s Healthy Food Retail Team is coordinating these strategies. For more information, visit their page.

Address Barriers to Healthy Food

What it is

  • Healthy food, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, can be expensive and are not even available in some neighborhoods.

  • Mahoning County is addressing this with Glenwood Fresh Market.

  • Residents under 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and SNAP recipients can access free fruits and vegetables year round.

What it does

  • A healthy diet improves overall health and can help prevent diseases like diabetes.

  • Meals prepared with fresh fruits and vegetables are delicious.

  • Learn more about Glenwood Fresh Market.


Healthy Community Partnership’s Healthy Food Retail Team is coordinating these strategies. For more information, visit their page.

Healthy Food Education

What it is

  • SNAP-Ed holds classes on cooking, meal planning, and eating healthy on a budget.

What it does

  • Eating healthy food and exercising improves overall health and can help prevent and lessen the impact of several lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.

  • The SNAP-Ed program reaches people directly through nutrition classes. The program shares recipes, nutrition calendars, magazines, and other healthy food resources to reach people indirectly. Learn more about SNAP-Ed.


Healthy Community Partnership’s Healthy Food Retail Team is coordinating these strategies. For more information, visit their page.

The Plan