Connection to Services
Access to Care
The Problem
Many Mahoning County residents do not receive recommended health care, especially preventative care. Community Health Workers reach residents where they are. The Mahoning County Pathways HUB provides care coordination and connection to services for pregnant residents to reduce the risk of poor birth outcomes.
Community Health Worker Training
What it is
Community Health Workers (CHWs) work with residents to identify and eliminate health risk factors. They provide health education, connect patients with medical care, and remove barriers through regular home visits.
CHWs can assist residents with finding medical insurance, navigating the healthcare system, and meeting basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and transportation.
The Mahoning Valley Pathways HUB provides care coordination to improve access to services for pregnant people. They also provide training for local Community Heath Workers.
What it does
The Mahoning Valley Pathways HUB provides training in the Pathways Community HUB Institute (PCHI) model, which is required for Community Health Workers in Mahoning County.
By providing training for Community Health Workers, the HUB and Mahoning County CHWs can work together to connect at-risk pregnant people with healthcare services during and after their pregnancy.
The HUB is committed to providing training for all new CHWs in Mahoning County as soon as possible.
GOAL: Train Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the Pathways Community HUB Institute (PCHI) Model. Training should include 75% of the Youngstown Health Improvement Zones Community Health Advocates, as well as any other currently untrained Mahoning County CHWs.
GOAL MET! 100% of Mahoning County Community Health Workers have been trained.
Early Enrollment for Pregnant Participants
What it is
Work with Community Health Workers to develop a strategy to reach pregnant participants earlier in their pregnancy.
Aim to enroll 50% in the first trimester, 30% in the second trimester, and 20% in the third trimester.
What it does
By striving to reach more Pathways HUB participants earlier in their pregnancy, patients can be provided with more comprehensive resources, education, and preventative services to support them and their child during and after pregnancy.
The County is focusing on training Community Health Workers and enrolling participants in the Pathways program earlier in their pregnancy.
GOAL: Enroll 50% of participants in their first trimester and 30% in their second trimester.
PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL: So far, the percentage of participants enrolled in the first trimester has ranged from 13% to 29%, less than the goal of 50%. The percentage of participants enrolled in either the first or second trimester has ranged from 64% to 77%, approaching the goal of 80%.
Pregnant Patient Health Risk Factors
What it is
The HUB has a goal to hire a Community Health Worker to specialize in care coordination of at-risk pregnant residents.
Risk factors that this CHW will focus on include mental health challenges, substance use issues, and human trafficking.
What it does
Residents who face these challenges are more at risk for poor health and birth outcomes. This CHW would be trained across multiple areas to provide specialized support to these residents.
GOAL: By Year 3, hire one CHW to specialize in care coordination of at-risk pregnant participants.
PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL: The HUB is currently exploring funding options for this strategy.
The Plan