Access to Care
Many residents of Mahoning County face barriers to accessing healthcare. These residents may lack transportation, be burdened by high healthcare costs, or be unable to access services in their first language.
76.5% of residents received recommended mammography screening in 2018.
62.5% of residents received recommended colorectal cancer screening in 2018.
83.3% of residents received recommended cholesterol screening in 2019.
85.4% of residents received recommended cervical cancer screening in 2019.
Many Mahoning County residents do not receive recommended health care screenings or preventative care services. To address this issue, Mahoning County health partners are focusing on connection to services, increasing services in underserved areas, developing data tools, and monitoring legislative efforts.
The Evidence
Preventative screening rates in Mahoning County are similar to other peer counties in Ohio.
Use the check boxes on the upper right of the graph to view data from additional peer counties.
This strategy encompasses initiatives from Mahoning County Pathways HUB and Mercy Health. The Pathways HUB program trains Community Health Workers and is focusing on connecting with pregnant clients earlier in their pregnancy. Mercy Health has opened two clinics to expand access to behavioral health services and family support programming.